GLUTATHIONE - What is it and Why is it so Vital and Important?
In my 30 years as a Regenerative Medicine doctor, I’ve got my short list of MUST-HAVE supplements to stay healthy, prevent disease and to give your outsides the healthiest look possible. GLUTATHIONE is near the top of that list.
IV Vitamin Therapy Can Prevent and Treat Covid-19 and other Infections
The biggest lesson I learned during the WORST times of COVID-19 infection is that your Immune System is your greatest weapon against COVID-19. The Vaccines, which we now know are only partially effective, only serve to give us partial immunity.
NAD+, The Greatest Game-Changer in regenerative medicine
If I had to choose the GREATEST GAME CHANGER in Regenerative treatment currently, it would be NAD+.
The good news is that it is here, it is available and you don’t even have to leave your home to get it!